The Journey, My Neglect, and Ice Cream Sandwich!

So for the few individuals who might have actually been planning on reading this blog and hearing about my adventure to the Cape I do apologize.  My negligence toward updating this blog has been extreme.  But I am glad to announce that me and Darcy Ireland have safely arrived on th Cape and are hopefully soon to lock down employment ensuring our stay for the remainder of the Summer.

On the way up, we stopped a day in North Carolina.  Where I was pleased to see many old friends and enjoy a beautiful day at the Eno River in Hillsborough, NC.  While there I unfortunately injured my foot, but it has healed up nicely by now.  From NC we made our trek up toward Danbury, CT for the night.  Stopping in Manasseh, VA  (just outside of DC) to visit my sister and enjoy a delicious meal at the Olive Garden she manages.  After the great meal (and some extreme animal activists types) we enjoyed the night at a Holiday Inn.  Due to my wonderful manager Terry Daniels!  The next day we stopped in Providence, Rhode Island.  Darcy had a graduate interview at Providence College with the head of the Theology department, and then he gave us a personal tour.  The campus was beautiful, and Darcy was quite taken with the experience, to say the least.  Finally that evening we arrived on the Cape!

We are currently camping out at Shawme-Crowell State Forest north of Sandwich.  We are both looking for jobs and then hopefully will rent out a room from a kind lady in Centerville, MA.  This would be a much better local and a more comfortable living arrangement.  There are many details I have skimmed over, but if you wish to know more simply email me at  I check it daily, and it is a good way to keep in touch.  I love this area and pray that the rest of the Summer will go as smoothly as the first week has.  So far now…

so long and Godspeed you black emperor!


p.s. There’s so much delicious food up here (especially the ice cream and lobster)!  Hopefully I won’t come back hope with an extra twenty pounds. ;]

06/01/10: The Beginning

I have decided to begin posting blogs on here to keep all of my friends and family up to date with what I am doing over the Summer and into the future.

As many of you already know, my friend Darcy and I will be embarking on a journey the Cape Cod Massachusetts in about a week and a half from now.  We are hoping to find Summer employment and simply enjoy the beauty and splendor of the Cape.  I can say for myself I am extremely excite and a bit nervous.  We will most likely actually on campgrounds for at least a portion of our stay on the cape.  Finding housing in such a tourist local (within my price range ;)) has proven to be quite the challenge.  Yet I feel this outdoors living could very well add to the whole adventure aspect.

My friend Darcy has arrange very specific details as to our departure, arrival, and travel schedule for the Summer.  I myself have actually been out of town the past two weekends.  Two weeks ago I was in Durham, NC visiting family and friends.  It was very fun.  Then this past weekend I was in Atlanta, GA for a friend of mine, Saleem’s, 21st Birthday.  That trip was such a blast!  I could spout off with a million stories from that trip.  But for you the readers sake, I will keep this post of mine fairly short.

I am simply here to say… “Hello world!  Stay tuned for the most exciting adventure since John Lenin said, I Am the Walrus Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo!”